The Rosie Project Book Club Kit

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The Rosie Project is the official May 2020 pick for the Peanut Blossom Book Club for Recovering Readers.

A copy of The Rosie Project is on the table.

Do you have a book on your To-Read List that has been sitting there a reallllly long time??

It’s there because it came SO highly recommended by so many people. But for some reason you just can’t explain, you haven’t picked it up yet?

For me, that’s The Rosie Project. For years and years and years, I’ve had friends who’s opinion I trust recommend this book to me. The plot sounds adorable. I have no good excuses for why I haven’t already read it.

So when picking our 2020 book club line-up, I decided THIS was the year I finally cross it off my list! I’m thrilled to share this month’s official book club pick.

Peanut Blossom Book Club

This book club pick is one of the awesome books from our sixth year of book club.

We’re still going strong! Want to join us?

You can join our book club for free by signing up for my email newsletter right here:

    What Is The Rosie Project About?

    “The art of love is never a science: Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant yet socially inept professor of genetics, who’s decided it’s time he found a wife.

    In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which Don approaches all things, he designs the Wife Project to find his perfect partner: a sixteen-page, scientifically valid survey to filter out the drinkers, the smokers, the late arrivers.

    Rosie Jarman possesses all these qualities. Don easily disqualifies her as a candidate for The Wife Project (even if she is “quite intelligent for a barmaid”).

    But Don is intrigued by Rosie’s own quest to identify her biological father. When an unlikely relationship develops as they collaborate on The Father Project, Don is forced to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie―and the realization that, despite your best scientific efforts, you don’t find love, it finds you.”

    Get your copy of the book here.

    The Rosie Project Book Club Discussion Questions

    I believe the best book club questions to spark a lively discussion in your group help readers make personal connections to the story.

    You can read about how to write the best book club questions on your own here, but hopefully these will get you started!

    Be sure to check out the official discussion in our book club group right here.

    Question 1:

    Have you ever known someone on the Autism spectrum that is quite like Don? How do you feel about that strong sense of efficiency?

    Question 2:

    How do you feel about how Gene and Rosie treat Don vs. other people he encounters? How would you react to Don if you met him?

    Question 3:

    The differences between Rosie and Don are quite obvious but how are they the same?

    Question 4:

    Do you feel that Rosie and Don are compatible? How compatible are you with your significant other?

    Question 5:

    Who did you think Rosie’s father would be? Were you surprised at the end?

    Question 6:

    Don goes through a series of seriously bad dates, which one was the funniest to you? What is a story from your dating life you could share?

    Question 7:

    Is it a good idea to have a system for finding your potential partner or do you think it would limit your choices in a negative way?

    Question 8:

    Have you ever broken out of a well-loved routine or done something new and uncharacteristic for you? How did it turn out?

    Book Club Party Menu

    When planning a book club menu around The Rosie Project, the obvious choice would be lobster since that is Don’s go-to dinner on his Standardized Meal System.

    But since lobster isn’t in your usual book club budget, a much more budget-friendly baked shrimp scampi with breadcrumbs would make a generous choice.

    Don’s lobster involves mango, you could make my fresh strawberry mango salsa and serve it as a snack with cinnamon pita chips.


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