All the Books Mentioned in The Love of My After Life
Want to read all the books mentioned in The Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood? I’ve gathered together each of the titles and romance authors included in this fun magic realism romance.

Within a few chapters of reading The Love of My After Life by Kirsty Greenwood for our February book club pick, I immediately bookmarked my Kindle page and back tracked to the beginning of the story.
I saw a pattern happening and I simply had to annotate it.
Pop culture references are sprinkled all throughout this magical realism romance and book titles, movie suggestions, and songs for a playlist all started to catch my eye.
If you want to read all the books mentioned in The Love of My After Life, I’ve collected the comprehensive list of book titles and author name drops from all throughout the book.
Every Book Mentioned in The Love of My After Life
Looking for a fun reading challenge? Start with The Love of My After Life and then work your way through every romance and thriller mentioned throughout the story!
Some of the best of the best romance authors plus a few mystery/thrillers were recognized throughout the book.
I’m pleased as punch that our book club has already enjoyed so many as our official book club picks from over the years. Somehow that feels like we just got a gold start sticker from Merritt!
"Like the eyes of Jamie Fraser. You know Jamie Fraser? From the Outlander books? What a ride. He's in my top-ten fictional romantic leads. Maybe actually top five."
New to the Outlander series? Start by checking out the full Outlander Library here!
One of the many romances featured on Merritt's shelf.
Another Merritt favorite, this is a new-to-me author I'm adding to my TBR list stat!
Another Merritt book shelf pick, we actually read this as an official book club book in 2021! I'm so pleased Merritt would approve.
You can get the book club kit for The Bride Test here.
Can you really have a romance set in London without mentioning the queen herself? Jane Austen had to be on this list for sure!
Nora Roberts was one of the authors mentioned by name without a specific title. I chose the most recent, highest rated novel but she has a long list of options for you to choose from!
Another romance set in London, I love that the author included a wink-wink reference to this story with a similar romantic spark.
While there are no actual references to this specific romance novel, the phrase "done and dusted" was used twice and caught my eye.
It was either a subtle nod to this book or a coincidence.
In either case, I feel Merritt would approve.
Another author mentioned by name but no specific title, you could pick any one of Lisa Jewell's best selling novels to add to your list.
"Emily Henry's entire backlist" is mentioned so I'm just going to go ahead and pick my favorite "People We Meet on Vacation" which just happens to have been our book club pick for summer 2023.
You can get the People We Meet on Vacation book club kit here.
Adorn your bookshelf with this stunning copy of the first four books in the Bridgerton series, Merritt would want you to surround yourself with pretty things.
Then go ahead and check out this list of regency romances for fans of Bridgerton when you're thirsting for more.
"Romantic like a juicy Sophie Kinsella." It just so happens we read My (Not So) Perfect Life as part of our 2018 book club line up.
You can get the book club kit for My (Not So) Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella here.
Delphie and Cooper dress like Daisy and Gatsby for a pivotal scene in the story. I love that this collector's edition of The Great Gatsby features the couple right on the cover.
"More a slow burn like Josh and Lucy in The Hating Game." Gotta love working in those romantic tropes.
This was one of my favorite book club picks from 2021. You can get The Hating Game book club kit here.
An essential British romance, no way was Ms. Jones getting left off this list.
"As it turns out, ours looks to be a classic tale of rivals to lovers--honestly, you couldn't write it. Well, Lucy Score probably could."
I've only read one Lucy Score and it was so good I put it on the 2025 book club list as soon as I finished it. I've got plenty more in my TBR.
"So romantic -- Nicholas Sparks could never." Well, whether he could or not, he's going on this list!
Head to the Library
Now that you’ve got your reading list, head on over to the library to put your holds on your favorites.
“Wow. Well, this is an exciting day for you and me both. A library card is a portal, if you will, into any universe you can imagine. Oh, the adventures you will have, eh?”
– Kirsty Greenwood, The Love of My After Life
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