Me Before You Book Club Kit

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Book Club Kit for Me Before You by Jojo Moyes includes a book club discussion guide and party menu.

A copy of the book Me Before You sits on the table.

This month I’m pleased to welcome you to the discussion for Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.

Many members of our group spent last year raving about this book time and time again.

It was always mentioned as a top favorite for an in-between book while everyone waited for our next discussion.

Knowing that Me Before You is being made into a movie early this year, I thought it would be a fun pick to launch our new year.

Then I actually read Me Before You.

One of the main rules for our book club is: NO Tearjerkers.

I’m so sorry you guys. I failed you with this one. It takes a lot to make me cry these days, but this one had me gasping for air by the end of it.

I feel like it was absolutely worth it though. This is one of the more life-affirming stories I may have ever read.

Jojo Moyes is brilliant with her character development and unpredictable plot twists.

I truly wasn’t sure what would happen in the end until it did and I was sad to close the cover and say goodbye to Louisa and Will.

Peanut Blossom Book Club

This book was our official January 2016 pick for the Peanut Blossom Book Club.

Want to see what we’re reading today? Check out our book club book list here.

Want Free Reminders for Each Book?

This book club pick is one of the awesome books from our second year of book club.

We’re still going strong! Want to join us?

You can join our book club for free by signing up for my email newsletter right here:

    Me Before You Book Club Questions

    I believe the best book club questions to spark a lively discussion in your group help readers make personal connections to the story.

    You can read about how to write the best book club questions on your own here, but hopefully these will get you started!

    Question 1:

    What did you think of our book? Had you heard of it before our book club?
    Was it something you would have picked up for yourself or no?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 2:

    If you were Louisa, would you have taken the job with the Traynors in the first place?

    If you had, would you have kept it for the duration of the assignment or is there a point at which you might have quit?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 3:

    What do you think of Will’s outlook after his accident? Can you relate to him or do you think you would have reacted differently?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 4:

    Louisa often finds Mrs. Traynor to be cold and judgmental. If Will was your child, how would you react to his situation and his decision?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 5:

    Louisa comes up with some clever activities for her to do with Will during their time together.

    What things would you schedule if money wasn’t an issue but you had to stay within an hour’s radius of where you live?

    Feel free to tag or link to any big hotspots you’d like to share from where you live.

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 6:

    Louisa has an incredible trip planned for Will before his health scare gets in the way.

    If you were going to plan a trip of a lifetime and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?

    Feel free to tag, link, or add photos of your dream destination.

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 7:

    Before reading Me Before You, I was completely unaware of some of the more difficult challenges of being a quadriplegic.

    What was the most eye-opening thing for you regarding Will’s challenges?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 8:

    One of the most romantic moments for me in the book is when Will gives Louisa the custom bee stockings he had made for her.

    My husband was utterly confused why a woman would swoon over something like that.

    What is the most thoughtful gift you have ever received?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 9:

    In the back of the book there is a short interview with author Jojo Moyes.

    One of the questions is whether an author can truly capture elements of the human condition if she has not had children herself.

    I found her answer fascinating but what do you think?: Can a writer who has not had children accurately portray motherhood?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 10:

    *** SPOILER ALERT!! ***

    Purposely phrasing this carefully, do not read comments if you haven’t finished the book . . .
    Did Will’s story end the way you expected it to? Would you have changed anything?

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 11:

    *** SPOILER ALERT!! ***

    Phrasing this carefully, don’t read the comments if you haven’t finished the book.

    I personally thought the novel ended in the perfect place in Louisa’s story (even if I wanted a different outcome.)

    It is hard for me to imagine a sequel but I did pick it up this week to see what happens next.

    Without discussing anything you might know about the sequel . . .
    Where does Louisa go from here??

    See the online discussion here.

    Question 12:

    Nitty gritty details of the plot aside, I feel like the biggest takeaway I’m left with from our book this month is to “Live life to it’s fullest!”

    It is one of the most life-affirming stories I have ever read and a perfect book for January as everyone is reflecting on how they want to make the most of their new year.

    What is one thing you want to do in the new year to make sure you are living your happiest/fullest life?

    See the online discussion here.

    Book Club Party Menu

    For a book club party menu in January, consider offering a variety of appetizers that are either low carb or meatless since your friends may be trying new resolutions.

    Discussion guide for Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


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