12 Quick Reads to Meet Your Reading Goal
These quick read books are perfect for squeezing in just one more book to meet your monthly reading goal.

Do you set a reading goal for the year?
It’s a great way to stay motivated, but when crunch time comes and you need a fast read to meet your book goal, I’ve got you covered.
It’s so frustrating when you set a reading goal and then realize you’re going to end up just a mere one or two books short from your target.
These are all fantastic books worth adding to your To Be Read (TBR) List, goal or not. So there’s no cheating involved just because they’ll take you less time to get through.
12 Fast Reads to Meet Your Goal
Sarah Addison Allen is one of my very favorite authors. This short novella is what helped me meet my New Year's Eve goal of books for the year!
It's a perfect pick for a last minute rush to finish a reading goal.
This YA page turner is perfect for short attention spans because it is written in email and text format.
I flew through the book in no time and was so excited to watch the movie with my kids after.
This thin book is made up of a sweet collection of letters between C.S. Lewis, of Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe fame, and his child fans.
If you want a perfect example for how to talk to kids at a respectful level, this is it.
Books that incorporate letters between the characters are always a quick read for me.
I love the ease of the "just one more letter" to push me to extend my reading time longer than normal.
When I asked for recommendations for easy reads from the Peanut Blossom Book Club members, this fantastic book came up as a suggestion again and again.
Described as 'Parisian perfection' by HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, The Red Notebook is a charming, quirky love story from one of the UK's favourite French authors.
A member of the Peanut Blossom Book Club recommends this book because of the quick paced timeline. A fun beachy read for summer, Elin Hilderbrand is quite popular with the group.
Sometimes it is nice to take a break from standard fiction if you're rushing to meet a reading goal. This book is the perfect book lover's break to refresh your reading motivation.
This short prequel to The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury would help count as a book towards your goal and let you know if you might be interested in the follow-up book for a longer read.
Graphic Novels aren't just for kids. Try a new genre and enjoy a super quick read in an afternoon. Rainbow Rowell was one of the YA authors from our first year of book club and remains a popular choice.
If you need a lighthearted fast read in December to finish before the end of the year, this sweet romance is by the beloved Mary Kay Andrews--a two time book club author pick.
Non-fiction can capture your attention in a whole new way. This gripping true life storey is one that is also fantastic to share with your kids.
Another collection of letters, 84, Charing Cross Road is a love letter to book lovers and a very fast-paced read.
More Quick Read Tips
The best solution for meeting your reading goal is to make time for reading every day.
You can use my mini habits for busy book lovers to find hidden pockets of time in your regular schedule but these books for short attention spans are a good thing to have ready at arm’s reach.
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