Best Book Club Picks for 2015
Looking for the best book club picks for 2015? Join us as we work our way through entertaining books that will help you relax and make more time for yourself in the coming year.

Would you like to read more FUN books in the new year than you have in ages?
The Peanut Blossom Book Club for Recovering Readers has been encouraging busy women to make the time to read for 8 years!
We launched our club in 2015 and I was blown away by the response.
Now we are a group of 10,000+ amazing members who love to chat about books on Facebook and we want you to join us.
How Do I Pick the Books?
- Our group only reads FUN, light-hearted books.
- We avoid tear jerkers.
- We don’t take our book picks too seriously, we believe reading is for pleasure.
- We read a wide variety of genres throughout the year: romance, historical fiction, magical realism, young adult, and mystery all make the rotation year after year.
- We look for a variety of voices in both authors and characters.
How To Join Our Book Club
1. Follow along on Facebook:
Every month, I post monthly discussion threads for each book inside our private Facebook book club. Join us here.
You’ll discover our group is filled with kind, upbeat people who just love to share their new favorite reads.
We talk about all books, not just the official monthly picks. It’s a great place to get new recommendations all year long.
2. Sign up for email updates:
Nothing is worse than having an exciting announcement and knowing that social media algorithms will filter and prevent me from getting the news to you. I don’t want Facebook deciding what you see and what you don’t.
When you sign up for my email newsletter, I will send you all the reminders you need for our book list all year long.
The Official 2015 Book Club List
These are the first books I picked as we launched our book list in 2015. I hope you enjoy a peek back at our archive:
Big Little Lies
The very first book from the Peanut Blossom Book Club was Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty.
This blockbuster hit has since been turned into an HBO series starring Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, and Meryl Streep.
The response to this book was incredible from our club and it ended up being the most perfect first book I could have picked.
Eleanor & Park
In February, our group enjoyed reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell.
I didn’t think twice about picking a YA book for a book club for grown women, it is a genre I personally still love to read.
Yet many members were surprised as they haven’t picked up a YA book in years. They ended up absolutely loving this pick and it inspired them to explore more new titles within the genre.
The Storied Life of AJ Fikry
In March, our group enjoyed The Storied Life of AJ Fikry and this book still remains on many members’ list of favorites.
A more dramatic tale than our first two picks, this book is perfect for book lovers everywhere.
The Sugar Queen
I love dabbling in all kinds of genres for our book club. For April, I picked The Sugar Queen by one of my all-time favorite authors Sarah Addison Allen.
This magic realism book was a first exposure to the genre for many of our group and it was hugely popular among our readers.
A Vintage Affair
Historical fiction is always a huge hit with book club members. In May we read A Vintage Affair.
Be sure to check out the book club discussion guide, our members shared photos of vintage dresses they’ve worn through the years and it was such fun!
Summer Rental
Every book club needs a solid beach read for summer enjoyment.
In June we dug into Summer Rental by another favorite author, Mary Kay Andrews.
This was my first exposure to a MKA book and now I’m sure to read something by her every single year.
The Union Street Bakery
First in a series, The Union Street Bakery was such a pleasant surprise for our readers.
A little bit of historical fiction swapping sides with the modern story of a family owned bakery, many of our group went on to read additional titles in the series.
The Bungalow
This tropical romance also doubled as a historical fiction pick when we read The Bungalow in September.
This is a fun book to pick purely for the matching book club party menu you can make to go with it!
The Magician’s Lie
We capped off our stellar first year of book club with The Magician’s Lie and an amazing virtual interview with author Greer Macallister.
Be sure to click through to read the Meet the Author section and the fun Q&A chat with Greer!
Other Optional Picks
The annual December “reader’s choice” month has been a tradition since the book club started. I believe it is important to give you space to choose something just for yourself. We always celebrate together with our popular Pay it Forward Book Exchange on Facebook, too.
If you don’t want to read the December pick from my list, here are some alternative ideas to inspire you:
Books We’ve Read Other Years
Love this list? Want to dig in on our backlist?
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